A spectral taxonomy of cross-domain-ness in Visual Metaphor Identification Procedure (VISMIP): A case study of three Philippine editorial cartoons on disinformation
Nicko Enrique L. Manalastas
Date of publication:
December 31, 2023
Using VISMIP to analyze three editorial cartoons on disinformation, this paper finds that cross-domain-ness between target and source domains does not occur binarily but does, in fact, occur in varying degrees vis-à-vis the presence of an overlapping hypernym and their relative sematic relationship with it. This study therefore proposes a spectral approach to cross-domain-ness, four types of which are identified: (1) absolute cross-domain-ness, where the target and source are totally distinct; (2) superior cross-domain-ness, where the target is semantically closer to the overlapping hypernym than the source; (3) inferior cross-domain-ness, where the target is semantically farther to the overlapping hypernym than the source; and (4) cohyponymic cross-domain-ness, where the target and source fall under the same hypernym and semantic layer. Ultimately, this paper also explores how VISMIP shows potential in furthering studies on Philippine media, the dearth of which proves appealing to future Filipino language scholars and metaphor analysts alike.