Author guidelines
The Philippine Journal of Linguistics (PJL) is the refereed journal of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines. It publishes original theoretical and applied research on various areas of linguistics including language learning and pedagogy. As such, it welcomes articles that are related but not limited to the following areas of research:
Theories of language development
Language variation
Descriptive linguistics
Language policy
Language planning
Language pedagogy
Language and power
As the PJL is LSP’s official publication, it especially welcomes research related to the Philippines.
Information for Authors
Review process
All manuscripts shall undergo a blind and independent review process. As such, authors are requested to submit a separate cover sheet containing the article title, author's name, and institutional affiliation. Every effort should be made to remove any clue as to the author's identity. The Editor will ensure that each cycle of the review process takes no more than six months.
General Template
All manuscripts planned for submission must adhere to the template here.
Articles should be from 6,000 to 10,000 words (inclusive of tables, figures, references, and supplementary materials). Book reviews should be no more than 2,000 words.
Titles and section headings should be clear and brief.
An abstract of up to 150 words is required. A maximum of five keywords should be written below the abstract.
Word processing and format
Articles should be word-processed (in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font 12 points), and double-spaced throughout. Margins on all sides should be from 1 in. to 1.25 in.
Language and spelling
Articles should be in English. Quotations of text extracts in other languages should be translated. UK or US spellings may be used, but usage must be consistent throughout.
In citing sources in text and on the list of references, the style guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th Edition), should be followed.
Tables and figures
Tables and figures should be numbered and have short descriptive titles. Camera-ready artwork should be supplied for all figures and images. Gray-scale or line art images are acceptable. Color images will not be printed.
Short quotations in the text itself should be marked as such with "double quotation marks". Lengthy quotations (over five lines or 50 words) should be indented in the text without quotation marks.
The following who participated in the completion of research have to be listed in the acknowledgements section: language editors, statisticians, funders, raters, coders, enumerators, reviewers.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)
PJL requires that all those involved in the publication process must disclose possible conflicts of interests. Authors are to disclose financial and relational factors that might be perceived as bias. Peer reviewers should decline invitations to review if they see conflicting interests that might influence their review (e.g., the author of the work they are reviewing is a rival); they should not use information from the paper they review for their own interest. Editors and journal staff editors must refuse to make decisions if they have relationships that constitute possible conflicts of interest.​